Tuesday, June 8, 2021

National Best Friends Day

Today is National Best Friends Day and I love this quote from Mindy Kaling:

She is so right! I have a collection of people that I absolutely consider my best friends because of their importance in my life. Some I've known for a long time, while others maybe not that long, but the length of the friendship isn't what's important. All that matters is that we have a shared experience of some kind and we bonded as a result. A love for all things Disney, the same job, a favorite TV show, hobby, or interest...something in common that served as the origin story of our friendship.

I'm so grateful for my best friends and their ability to make any situation better. A bad day becomes manageable and a good day becomes great. With in-person socializing being so restricted for the past year, sending each other hilarious memes with comments like, "same" or "this is us" have kept us connected and entertained. While I very much identify as an introvert, my best friends are the people that I NEED in my life, and are the only ones I don't ever feel I have to be "on" for.

They've seen me at my best and they've seen me at my worst and they still love me and that's not something I ever take for granted. They're the ones I want to share good news with, but even more than that, they're the ones I want to share the tough news with. They're the ones I envision being with in my imaginary Golden Girls scenario because they get me.

Here's to best friends who make us laugh until we cry, give great advice, and understand that life gets busy so they forgive us when it takes far too long to return a call or text. These people are irreplaceable.

And to my best friends reading this...keep the memes coming!

Happy Tails to you!

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