Monday, August 16, 2021

New School Year

Today was the first day back at school for staff and I loved seeing everyone in person! It was fun to catch up and hear about what people have been up to since June, and there's always a sense of excitement at the start of a new year.

However, after what was absolutely one of the best summers I can recall, as I was moving furniture and trying to configure my oddly-shaped office, I found myself thinking of my favorite line from Enchanted:

Based on the limited space I have, along with the fact that the entire school is undergoing renovations for the next year, I've decided to take a minimalist approach in terms of what "stuff" I keep at school. Right now I have countless boxes and bins taking up most of my living room and dining room, and while I had intended for that stuff to get taken back to school, it's looking like it's really going to get moved to the basement for this year! I keep telling myself that it will make packing up my office in June very easy!

As usual, C knew exactly what I'd need after my first day back:

I'm excited any time I get new books,
but these books?

it's never too early for ice cream

Happy Tails to you!

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