Thursday, October 7, 2021

Emergency Vet Stay

We took Ginny to the vet yesterday because she's not been doing well for the past ten or so days. She's been panting and breathing heavily, excessively drinking water, being very choosy about eating, and not moving around much. Perhaps the most noticeable change in her behavior is how clingy she's been with me. I've written before about she's always been a little standoffish and how she is very much C's dog, but lately, she's been all about letting me hold her and snuggling beside me.

Overall, the physical exam yesterday didn't really reveal anything, so they did some blood work and sent us home. Today, I got a call around 12:45 with the results and they were not good. Our vet recommended we take her immediately to and emergency/24-hour vet hospital because Ginny's glucose was dangerously high. This is not unheard of for dog's with Cushings disease, but there were some other things that were concerning the vet (elevated values and bacteria) and she felt that Ginny needed to begin treatment right away before the situation turned into something we wouldn't be able to come back from. She called the emergency hospital we've been to many times before and made arrangements for Ginny to be admitted, and called me back to let me know they were expecting us.

I left school and C canceled all of his afternoon meetings and we left home with Ginny around 1:30. The emergency hospital is about 30 miles from our house, but add in traffic and construction, and it took us an hour to get there. They took her in right away and we had to wait in the car for a few hours. When the emergency vet called us with an update, she outlined the treatment plan, which involves a stay for several days, with lots of medication and monitoring, in hopes of getting things under control. She also told us we could say bye to Ginny before leaving, so they allowed us to go into the building and into the back where the patients are.

I fully admit that it was a selfish move on my part because I'm sure it upset her to see us and then have to watch us leave. But I just needed to see her beautiful little face.

So we're home and the house is far too empty and far too quiet. We'll look forward to every update we get and can't wait for the one telling us we can go and get our girl.

my heart

look at those eyes

these two

feel better, sweet girl

I hate seeing this

Happy Tails to you...


  1. So Sorry! I hate this for y'all. Hang in there. Prayers are sent.

  2. Prayers for Ginny and for both of you.
