Saturday, November 30, 2024

Life Lately November 2024

November always feels like a strange month because the school calendar is so choppy and this year it really flew by because we took road trips for the first three weekends: over the first weekend, we went to Canada for a few days to visit C's parents and Avalanche was very happy to spend time with them; the next weekend, we went to Pittsburgh and met my dad for dinner after a failed attempt to take Avalanche on the funicular; and on the third weekend, we went to New York to celebrate my YaYa's 95th birthday with family and then visit Valley Forge in Pennsylvania. On the fourth weekend, it wasn't exactly a road trip, but we did take Avalanche for his first trip to D.C. to hang out with B2, S2, and our new baby nephew, and then it was Thanksgiving break, which was spent with family. Kind of a whirlwind month!

he loves his grandpa

we had been wanting to take Avalanche
on the funicular, but the line was super long
and all of the people and the noise from
the traffic were just too much for him,
so C waited with him while I
went on the funicular by myself

it was an absolutely beautiful day

I spotted them when I was on
my way back down

the car was very cool

Avalanche met Mr. Rogers

a rare instance where he let me
cover him with a blanket

he loved running around outside
when we visited family in NY

another stunning day

he stayed in his fourth hotel
and he never quite knows what
to make of elevators

if you're wondering where I slept,
it was in the other bed LOL

my car turned 17 years old!

after multiple attempts over the past
almost-two-years to take him to D.C.,
Avalanche finally made it to the monuments

we did a LOT of walking, so he
needed to rest at the Washington Monument

the day before Thanksgiving, he had his annual
vet appointment for a check up and vaccinations 

he was not happy to be there and it turned into
quite an ordeal because he became very difficult
and stubbornly refused to cooperate whatsoever

our vet decided to give him a sedative,
so we brought his blanket in from the car

the whole thing was a team effort by
C, the vet tech, and our beloved Dr. T.
and everything went well, although
he was decidedly out of sorts for a few days!

our niece made Avalanche a
Thanksgiving card

"I woof you!"
soooo precious!!!!!

I love the month of December and I can't wait for Winter Break in a few weeks!

Happy Tails to you!

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