Thursday, August 13, 2020

Little Things!

The reality that the school year officially begins on Monday is hitting me hard this week. Even though day-to-day life has been pretty uneventful since mid-March, I've been enjoying every second with Ginny and it's a little sad to know we'll be back in the dining room all day during the week!

I had a hair appointment this morning, and then C took the afternoon off so we could go for a long drive. We picked up some take out for lunch and had our version of a picnic in the car, which is definitely our new normal. Afterwards, we got some ice cream at a drive-through place about 40 minutes from our house. We've been going there at least once a week for the last several months, because it's a long enough drive to feel like a mini adventure, but close enough that it doesn't requirement a big time commitment. After getting the ice cream, we always drive over to a little park to eat the ice cream before driving home, and that little routine has become a big part of us staying sane during all of this craziness!

It's hard to believe that school closed FIVE MONTHS ago today! In some ways it feels like it just happened, and it other ways it feels so much longer than five months! My big takeaway has been that it's so important to find joy in little things because it's easy to get overwhelmed by all of the big things happening in the world. For me, that has meant cherishing the gift of time I've had with Ginny and my mom, appreciating the squirrels and birds I see every day, and going for drives to get ice cream with C. Those might not be anyone else's idea of joy, but they've definitely brightened my spirits when things have been challenging during this pandemic!

“Two men looked out from prison bars,
One saw the mud, the other saw stars.”
- Dale Carnegie

Happy Tails to you!

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