Friday, January 1, 2021

50 States in 2021: 1-3

A new year means a fresh start and we have a fun goal for 2021!

Throughout this pandemic, we've been dreaming about when we'd be able to travel again and we always talk about the countless places in the world we'd like to visit. However, since things are not back to "normal" yet (and who knows if they ever truly return to how they were), we decided to postpone some international travel we had planned for the summer of 2021 to be safe, and instead began thinking about places to visit in the U.S.

One idea that kept coming up was Alaska – we'd been there in 2004 and loved it, and we've always wanted to go back. We also have a spring break trip in a few months planned for Hawaii.

It didn't take long for us to decide that if we were already going to Hawaii AND we wanted to go to Alaska, why not go to all 50 states in 2021?!? Our rule is that we both have to physically be in the state for it to count. We don't have to stay overnight or eat a meal or do anything beyond take a picture of a sign in that state as documentation. That's it. Just something fun and perhaps a little bit crazy for us to do this year!

So here we are on January 1, and we have been to three states today – South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. As we drive home tomorrow, we'll be in a couple more states. The bulk of them will happen over the summer, but we're off to a good start so far!

Happy Tails to you!

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