Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Lovely Lyrics: I've Got a Dream

C put a new decal on my car for me and I thought since it’s from Tangled, I would feature the lyrics from one of the songs on the soundtrack.  I have a slight obsession with Tangled because the animation is beautiful, the story is awesome, and the soundtrack is great! Additional songs from the movie will undoubtedly be shared on future posts because there are many good ones to choose from.

For me, the characters make the movie.  Obviously Rapunzel is fabulous, but who doesn’t love Pascal?  Or Maximus?  Or Flynn Rider?  I mean, how can you not love Flynn Rider?!?  Charming, adventurous, and responsible for one of my favorite Disney quotes, “Frying pans!  Who knew, right?” (which I quote far more often than is probably necessary).

"I’ve Got a Dream" takes place at The Snuggly Duckling, which may be the most adorable name for a pub ever.  The song is catchy and upbeat, but also hilarious, and I thought it was the obvious choice to go along with my new decal:

I've Got A Dream
from Tangled

Hook Hand Thug:
I'm malicious, mean and scary
My sneer could curdle dairy
And violence-wise, my hands are not the cleanest
But despite my evil look
And my temper, and my hook
I've always yearned to be a concert pianist
Can't ya see me on the stage performin' Mozart?
Tickling the ivories 'til they gleam?
Yep, I'd rather be called deadly
For my killer show-tune medley
'Cause way down deep inside
I've got a dream
Thug Chorus:
He's got a dream!
He's got a dream!
Hook Hand Thug:
See, I ain't as cruel and vicious as I seem!
Though I do like breaking femurs
You can count me with the dreamers
Like everybody else
I've got a dream!
Big Nose Thug:
I've got scars and lumps and bruises
Plus something here that oozes
And let's not even mention my complexion
But despite my extra toes
And my goiter, and my nose
I really want to make a love connection
Can't you see me with a special little lady
Rowin' in a rowboat down the stream?
Though I'm one disgusting blighter
I'm a lover, not a fighter
'Cause way down deep inside
I've got a dream
I've got a dream!
Thug Chorus:
He's got a dream!
Big Nose Thug:
I've got a dream!
Thug Chorus:
He's got a dream!
Big Nose Thug:
And I know one day romance will reign supreme!
Though my face leaves people screaming
There's a child behind it, dreaming
Like everybody else
I've got a dream
Thug Chorus:
Tor would like to quit and be a florist
Gunther does interior design
Ulf is into mime
Attila's cupcakes are sublime
Bruiser knits
Killer sews
Fang does little puppet shows
Hook Hand Thug:
And Vladimir collects ceramic unicorns!
I have dreams, like you – no, really!
Just much less touchy-feely
They mainly happen somewhere warm and sunny
On an island that I own
Tanned and rested and alone
Surrounded by enormous piles of money
I've got a dream!
Thug Chorus:
She's got a dream!
I've got a dream!
Thug Chorus:
She's got a dream!
I just want to see the floating
lanterns gleam!
And with every passing hour
I'm so glad I left my tower --
Like all you lovely folks
I've got a dream!
Thug Chorus:
She's got a dream!
He's got a dream!
They've got a dream!
We've got a dream!
So our differences ain't
really that extreme!
We're one big team!
Call us brutal!  Sick!
Hook Hand Thug:
Big Nose Thug:
And grotesquely optimistic!
Thug Chorus:
'Cause way down deep inside
We've got a dream!
Hook Hand Thug:
I've got a dream!
Big Nose Thug:
I've got a dream!
Thug Chorus:
I've got a dream!
I've got a dream!
I've got a dream!
I've got a dream!
Yes, way down deep inside, I've got a dream!

Music by Alan Menken
Lyrics by Glenn Slater

Happy Tails to you!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

TBT: My Classrooms

So I know Throwback Thursday is usually about people posting photos of themselves that are sometimes embarrassing and almost always hilarious, but as I was looking for particular photo the other day, I ran across pictures of my former classrooms and became super nostalgic.  I only took the photos so I would have a record of how I had organized the rooms from year to year, which is why you might notice variations in the photos even though they are of the same classroom.  I don't know why I couldn't locate any photos of my Kindergarten classroom or my Fourth Grade classroom, but perhaps I will unearth those some other time.  I am just so glad I found these ones!

I miss teaching every single day, and looking at the photos made me both happy and sad at the same time!  These seemingly inanimate classrooms came to life each morning when my friends would enter, and always felt incredibly empty when they left me at the end of the day.

Priceless memories.

My Fifth Grade Classroom

My Sixth Grade Classroom

Happy Tails to you!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Lovely Lyrics: Your Mother and Mine

Quick update on my mom.  She had a lung biopsy last Friday.  She has never been a smoker, but she’s been experiencing breathing difficulties for several months now.  We are hoping to get to the bottom of things, and a lung biopsy may provide some insight into what is going on.

I know people have various biopsies all the time – I have had four myself – but a lung biopsy is NO JOKE.   It is much more scary and involved than any of us had anticipated.  It’s been a long and tiring week of recovery, and my mom has been a trooper about it.  Frankly, I’m sure she is tired of us hovering over her and smothering her with concern.

She had an appointment today to find out the results…but the pathology was not back from the lab yet, which was very frustrating.  However, being an optimist, I will focus on the good news we heard.  It is not cancer, she does not need to attend rehab sessions for her breathing, and today’s x-ray looked great in terms of her lungs appearing clear (contracting pneumonia was definitely something we did not want to happen).

So more appointments will follow, and sooner or later we will know what we are dealing with.  I am relieved somewhat because I have feared the worst. Being patient is typically my strong suit, but in this case, an answer cannot come soon enough.  We’ll see what happens over the next few weeks.

Thank you for your kind words – the texts and messages and emails have meant the world to me! 

It is no secret that I utterly adore my mom and this song is describes my feelings perfectly.

Your Mother and Mine
from Peter Pan

Well, a mother, a real mother,
is the most wonderful person in the world;

She's the angel voice that bids you goodnight
Kisses your cheek, whispers, "Sleep tight."

Your mother and mine
Your mother and mine

The helping hand that guides you along
Whether you're right, whether you're wrong

Your mother and mine
Your mother and mine

What makes mothers all that they are?
Might as well ask, "What makes a star?

Ask your heart to tell you her worth
Your heart will say, "Heaven on earth."

Another word for divine,
Your mother and mine.

by Frank Churchill and Winston Hibler

Happy Tails to you!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Lovely Lyrics: You've Got a Friend in Me

I haven’t posted any “Lovely Lyrics” in quite a while, but now that the school year is underway, I’m going to try to do so more frequently.

This song is the perfect choice for the movie, and although it is from the first Toy Story movie, it works beautifully for the entire trilogy.  Don’t get me started on when Woody and Slinky hold hands at the end of Toy Story 3.  I cannot handle it.

I chose it for a specific person, though.  She is incredibly kind and thoughtful, and I don’t know what I would do without her in my life.  This past weekend was filled with stress and worry about my mom, and she not only sent me countless messages to check in and make sure I was all right, she bought me all sorts of treats to take with me to my mom’s house for the weekend.  She met me at work to deliver this wonderful surprise, and when I was unpacking her gift, I found a card not only for me, but also a get-well card for my mom.  This is just one example of what an wonderful friend she is.

Instead of stumbling about trying to express what she means to me, I'll let these words do it for me.  I love you, E!

You’ve Got a Friend in Me
from Toy Story

You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me
When the road looks rough ahead
And you're miles and miles from your nice warm bed
You just remember what your old pal said
You've got a friend in me
Yeah, you've got a friend in me

You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me
You got troubles and I got 'em too
There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you
We stick together, we can see it through
'Cause you've got a friend in me

Some other folks might be a little bit smarter than I am
Bigger and stronger, too
But none of them
Will ever love you the way I do
It's me and you

And as the years go by
Our friendship will never die
You're gonna see it's our destiny
You've got a friend in me

 by Randy Newman

Happy Tails to you!