Monday, September 2, 2019

Summer 2019

This was the summer of family! We did not travel anywhere – shocking, I know! – because we had several huge family happenings take place!

The first piece of big news is that we have a new baby nephew and we are over-the-moon in love with him already! His arrival meant lots of extra time with our niece, so that was icing on the cake, because now that she is two, her personality is shining through and she is an absolute delight to spend time with!

Ginny was
VERY interested
in her new baby cousin!

The second piece of big news is that we now have a new sister, as my brother got married last weekend! She has been a part of our family for many years now, but it is finally official! For a long time, our "pack" was comprised of C, my two brothers, and me; five years ago, my brother got married and his wife became one of us (you might remember we got matching shirts), but the girls were still outnumbered. Not anymore! All tied up! For last weekend's wedding, we had shirts made that were a "Friends" theme because there were six characters on the show and now there are six of us in our pack!

our pack

family is everything

our godkids at the wedding

My mom had some continued health issues this summer and spent five days in the hospital. Currently, things are ok, so that is a relief. She also sold her condo and is living with us full-time now! It has been a lot of work to get all of her things packed and moved, but now she is settled in and Ginny is very happy to have my mom all to herself!

As I shared a few months ago, I have a new job as a Reading Specialist, so that has kept me very busy since the beginning of August. I am loving it so far! Lots of new information and certainly a different perspective to not be in a classroom! I feel like I am growing as an educator and it is a privilege to work alongside the awesome teachers at my school!

A few random highlights were celebrating Ginny's 11th birthday, going to a water lantern festival at National Harbor (not nearly as amazing as the Lantern Fests we went to in 2017 and 2018!), and attending some of the events to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the moon landing!

How is she 11 years old?!?

this face!

the water lantern festival

a Saturn V rocket
projected onto the
Washington Monument

50 years since the moon landing!

While we didn't get to travel, it was a jam-packed summer! I am looking forward to things slowing down a bit now that summer is over!


Happy Tails to you!

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