Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Life Lately May 2022

I can sum up the month of May in three words: hockey, testing, and Ozark.

Hockey: The Stanley Cup playoffs began on May 2 and three of the four teams I cheer for made the playoffs. Every night, there were exciting games to watch, but unfortunately, none of my teams made it out of the first round. All three of the series went to a game 7 and all three of my teams lost. Extremely disappointing. I've had to shift my allegiance to the Avalanche, one of C's favorite teams, which I don't mind at all because I don't care for any of the other remaining teams, but honestly, it's just not the same as cheering for a team you love!

Testing: Ah, spring, the season of state testing. Once our testing started, I proctored tests every single day with the exception of one morning when I had an appointment and wasn't at school. It's very tiring to do that day after day after day! We only have another week to go and I will be relieved when we are finally done!

Ozark: When we were in Puerto Rico at the beginning of the month, it rained for most of our time there so I started watching Ozark. C had watched the first 3.5 seasons already, but hadn't seen the second half of the fourth season which had just been released, so he rewatched as I watched it for the first time. I quickly became obsessed with the show because I've loved Jason Bateman since he played the best friend on Silver Spoons in the 1980s. I had worried that his role as a money launderer involved with a drug cartel would make me like him less, but the opposite happened – I really loved him in Ozark. I finished the whole series in three weeks, and if you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. It's dark, but compelling, and the acting is superb.

After going to Puerto Rico at the beginning of the month for C's birthday, we also went to a concert at the Kennedy Center, which was really fantastic – it was a collection of Disney Princess songs and four Broadway stars who played some of the roles in the musicals, including Susan Egan, performed with the National Symphony Orchestra. I absolutely loved it! We have tickets to another show there next month and I'm already looking forward to it!

Perhaps the most noteworthy thing is that after 18+ months, my mom moved back in with us! I'm so grateful to B1 and S1 for taking such amazing care of her while she was living near them and I will continue to be vigilant about keeping germs at bay to the best of my ability so that I don't inadvertently make her sick. C is working from home, so gives me peace of mind to know he's there if she needs anything during the day when I'm at school.

We wrapped up the month with my birthday; although it was a school day, I was completely spoiled by my friends! Lunch and gifts and love! Then C and I went to St. Louis to finish off our baseball stadiums checklist and we just love driving trips in general, so the long weekend was super fun!

one of the third grade teachers made
these cute shirts for the entire team and
included me, so we wore these on
third grade test days

One of my favorite things about the show
is that the opening features four symbols,
all of which somehow represent the letters
Z-A-R-K inside of the O!
And every episode has different symbols!

I loved these two throughout the entire series!

Our niece made C a birthday card
and told him that she put clovers on it
"because you're Irish!"
Oh my heart!

illustration of me from a student for
Teacher Appreciation Day

rainbow roses for Mother's Day...
my first without a four-legged friend
since 1998

a surprise gift from one of my all-time
favorite students who is now 16!

Dachshunds and rainbows...so perfect!

how have my godkids
gotten so tall?!?

best part of a road trip...
finding a Tim Hortons along the way

a friend recommended this ice cream
place and this specific flavor
last year when we went to Kentucky,
and it was so good that we went out of our way
to stop there again on our way to St. Louis

White Castle has Impossible Sliders
and they are amazing!

Picked up some awesome donuts
at Pharaoh's Donuts in St. Louis
and one of the employees was also from
Virginia and his parents live 20 minutes from us!
What a small world!


proudly made in STL since 1930

my favorite human

Happy Tails to you!

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