Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Life Lately December 2024

I'm writing this monthly post a week early bc I'm currently sitting in the airport waiting for our flight and I know I'll be writing some posts about our trip!

I don't know about anyone else, but with Thanksgiving being so late this year - and Thanksgiving weekend not technically ending until December 1! - December was super short and felt incredibly rushed to me. It's my favorite month of the year and I don't feel like I really got to savor it! There were really only three weekends between Thanksgiving and Christmas, and each one was pretty busy.

First weekend of December

C went hiking in the Grand Canyon with B1 and my dad, while I had Avalanche all to myself for four days!

Avalanche got to spend an
afternoon with his
beloved Hayley and his
buddy Finn while I attended
a bridal shower

Second Weekend of December

My best friend Dan visited from Seattle and we went to NYC to see all of the touristy sights! It was really cold, but beautiful blue skies and we had a fun time, despite a terrible hotel and missing our train home because of generally insane traffic and road shut-downs!

we took the train from D.C. to NYC
for a quick 30-hour visit

I absolutely loved the holiday light display here!

we've been friends for
almost a quarter century!

this was the chaotic scene trying to
check in to the hotel when their
"system went down" - it was a complete
nightmare and a thoroughly
frustrating experience!

we asked for our two hotel rooms
to be near each other,
which the hotel did not make happen,
and I had NO HEAT
in my room the entire night
while the outside temperature
was below freezing...
I was NOT a happy hotel guest!

we ate lunch at Papillon,
which was perhaps the most decorated
place I've ever been!

on Dan's last full day, we went to Ford's
Theater in D.C. and it was a pretty cool place

Third Weekend of December

B1, S1, B2, S2, and our niece and nephews spent the weekend at our house so we could celebrate early Christmas all together!

snoozing in front of the tree

the two elderly gentlemen of the family

Max snoozing on his new bed

my nephew and I waited on the deck
to see Santa go by on a fire truck

our baby nephew's first Christmas

C bought me this Lego set
of The Office last year and I hadn't
had time to start on it, but a few months ago,
my seven-year old niece asked if she could build
it - she worked on during each of her
recent visits, and she finished it!

please note that the proposed age
for the set is 18+

I'm super impressed with her
and I love it so much!

this is undoubtedly the best
addressed mail we've ever

On December 23, we drove up to C's parents' house to not only celebrate Christmas together, but to get Avalanche settled for a couple of days because he'll be staying in Canada with C's parents while we travel! Of course, we was as good as gold during the ten-hour car ride, and we saw a little bit of snow at a few rest stops along the way, but when we arrived, it was snowing and there was a good amount of snow at C's parents' house, so Avalanche was in heaven!

the snow at C' parents' house

the sun came out on
Christmas Eve, so we took him to
the park where we used to go as teenagers!

he was not too sure what this snowman was

We've been enjoying the cold temperatures and the Christmas snow here in Canada, but we are super excited to get on this plane and visit some places we've never been!

Happy Tails to you!

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