Monday, May 9, 2016

Life is short...

I have not written a blog post in six weeks.  It has been a long and emotionally draining six weeks.

First of all, the wonderful husband of a cherished friend passed away after a terrible battle with cancer.  Exactly fifteen months before he passed away, he was at our vow renewal and sharing in our celebration at WDW.  It is incomprehensible to me that he is no longer with us.

Secondly, a young and very beloved teacher at my school passed away very unexpectedly.  It is a monumental loss to our school community and to the children she worked with.  She was a ray of sunshine – positive and smiling – and discussing her death with my students was one of the most difficult things I have had to do.

These two heartbreaking events have continued to drive home the idea that life is fleeting.  We are never promised another day.  Tell the people you love what they mean to you every chance you get, and go out there and live your dreams, whatever they may be.  Most importantly, don't take anyone or anything for granted…ever.

This, of course, is sometimes easier said than done.  Life gets busy and hectic and I am very guilty of putting off "fun" things and telling myself I'll get to them tomorrow, or next week, or next month, or next year.  One of my friends recently said, "We've got to do better," meaning we need to prioritize spending time together even though there are lots of reasons to cancel and reschedule whenever we have plans.  She is so right.

I came across this photo last week, and it spoke to me.

I am going to do better.

Happy Tails to you…

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