Sunday, January 9, 2022

Extra Winter Break

The last official day of winter break was last Sunday and we went to brunch with my best friend and her husband so that she and I could commiserate about how quickly the two weeks had passed, but thanks to a snow storm, we ended up having five extra days off school! It was actually a pretty significant amount of snow for this area, and it was wet and heavy, so it caused a lot of power and transportation issues. The weight of the snow caused many of our trees to bend/fold over and we had a lot of broken branches in our yard.

We also lost power, but fortunately, it was restored after a few hours. During that time, our neighbor came over to check on us and see if my mom was ok because they had a generator and they wanted to be sure she had power for her oxygen concentrator. I was so touched by this! We explained that she was living near B1 and S1 right now because of covid concerns with me being around so many people at school each day, but honestly, how incredibly thoughtful of them to come over to check on us! (And just FYI, we do have a generator for that exact reason of my mom's oxygen concentrator, but we weren't about to use the generator just for the two of us!)

We also live on a hill and our road is private, so we don't have any snow removal services. One of our neighbors has a snow blower, and many times, when there has been less snowfall, they've cleared a path down the hill so that we are aren't all snowed in. However, this was some serious snow and it was just too much for their snow blower. They managed to find someone who would come and plow the road for us, so by Tuesday afternoon, we were able to get down our road safely. 

There are only five houses on our cul-de-sac, and we generally all keep to ourselves, but when we need each other, I know I can count on them!

I've made no secret of the fact that I absolutely love winter, and it was so unbelievably beautiful after the storm! This extra week off was such an unexpected gift and although reality will set in when I return to school tomorrow, this has been a very lovely start to 2022!

C was going around our yard
shaking the snow off the trees
in hopes of fewer broken branches

how my bun and the ears on my hat
looked after shoveling

by later in the day,
the sun was out

the day after the storm

a winter wonderland

pretending we're back in Canada

Happy Tails to you!

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