Friday, April 30, 2021

Life Lately April 2021

I feel like April has come and gone and I have little to show for it! It's been a weird month because while it flew by in the blink of an eye, we started the month in Hawaii and that seems like a million years ago! I cannot be the only one whose sense of time is no longer what it was prior to the pandemic!

Ginny never likes when I put
clothes/outfits on her, but I do it anyway
because she always looks adorable

As soon as we returned home from our spring break trip, we had a bunch of plumbing work done at our house. Not particularly exciting, but it was definitely necessary. We also had some landscaping done because neither of us like yard work in the least bit, so once a year, we pay for a big spring clean up!

our lilac bushes bloomed and the scent
instantly takes me back to my childhood because
my grandparents had a lilac bush in their yard

the rose bushes were out of control

much better!

At school, we finally got the Safety Patrol up and running! Even though it is so close to the end of the year, we needed our fifth graders to serve as patrols because we have so many students back in person now! I get to work with 20 fifth graders and I love building relationships with the students in a non-academic capacity! I know some of them from various groups and others from seeing them at Kiss and Ride everyday, but there are some that I'm working with for the first time and it's been great!

C, my mom, my dad, B2, and S2 are all fully vaccinated now, and B1 and B2 have each had their first doses. I am beyond grateful!!! While we are all still very cautious, I got to hang out with my niece and nephew in person for the first time since Christmas, which may not seem like a long time, but to me, it felt like forever! I love how technology has allowed us to "see" each other, but nothing can replace sitting on the couch reading a book with my niece or holding hands on a walk with my nephew. I've always tried to be appreciative of moments like this, but the pandemic has made me acutely aware to never take things for granted! The little things really are the big things!

As far as Ginny goes, we took her to D.C. for a walk around the National Mall and then to the beach in Delaware, which was our tenth state of 2021!

there's a farm down the road from our house
and Ginny always barks when she spots
any of the horses because she obviously
has no idea how enormous they actually are

National Unicorn Day...
another opportunity to annoy her with an outfit

I'm not sure if she thinks we can't see her
when she hides in my pillows like this,
but it's adorable

pillow hog

her little face fitting right into the corner of her bed
reminds me of that scene from The Office
where they all watch to see the DVD logo
fit perfectly into the corner of the screen

Both C and I have birthdays in May, so we're looking forward to a great month ahead!

Happy Tails to you!

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