Monday, April 6, 2015

The Storm

I have a couple of friends who are facing very difficult personal challenges right now and I was looking on Pinterest for some inspirational messages to share with them.

Little did I know I would come across a quote that resonated strongly with me, as I am in the final stretch of course work and am feeling overwhlemed by numerous do-or-die deadlines.  I apologize if that reads as dramatic, but my family and close friends will tell you that there will be a very negative domino effect if I fail to meet these deadlines.

I sometimes wonder if I made the right decision to give up teaching and pursue a Ph.D.  I miss teaching every single day.  I jump at any and every opportunity to facilitate a lesson study, do an observation, or participate in a professional development session because I miss being in a school and around kids and other teachers.

Most days, I really love my scholarly life - what a gift to be able to be a full-time student and research assistant.  I know many others who balance a full-time career AND their doctoral studies and I am well-aware of how fortunate I am.  But when it is "crunch time," which the entire month of April is for me, it is especially easy to think that I must have been crazy to choose this.

When I happened upon this quote, which can certainly apply to a wide range of situations, I felt like it was written specifically for me:

“And once the storm is over,
you won’t remember how you made it through,
how you managed to survive.
You won’t even be sure,
whether the storm is really over.
But one thing is certain.
When you come out of the storm,
you won’t be the same person who walked in.
That’s what this storm’s all about.”
- Haruki Murakami

It put things in perspective for me.  Hope it means something to you as well!

Happy Tails to you!

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