Friday, March 30, 2018

Spring Break 2018: Day 7

After our epic day of sightseeing yesterday, we decided to have a bit of a lazy day today! We slept in until almost noon, so we didn't really get the day started until about 1:00 pm, but we did wake up to learn that the Leafs had clinched a playoff spot, which was fabulous news!

the shirt I wore today, because you've
"gotta support the team"

We spent the entire afternoon exploring, and it was very apparent that it was a holiday because everywhere we went was rather busy compared with yesterday. In our wanderings, we discovered more beautiful buildings and architecture. I know I gushed about Barcelona in my post yesterday, but seriously…it is stunning. And as you can see from the photos, we enjoyed another gorgeous day in terms of weather!

We also came across this little hole-in-the-wall place where we stopped for lunch and the fries there were amazing! This is probably one of my favorite things about traveling – strolling around and happening upon places that are not necessarily found in a guide book. The more we travel, the more we find ourselves straying from the beaten path, and frankly, it's awesome. Of course we try to hit the highlights of any city we visit, but we also love finding things we hadn't planned on finding.

We took a funicular up to a park that overlooks the city and spent time walking around and admiring the view. There weren't many people there, which was a nice change from the hustle and bustle of the city we encountered earlier in the afternoon!

On the metro back to our hotel, we had two dogs in the car we were in…one was just lazing about next to his owner, but perked up and turned around when the second dog got on at a stop. So cute!

And speaking of cute dogs, I FaceTimed with Ginny again! It made my night!

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