Sunday, March 14, 2021

Love is a Verb

Think about the messages in ads leading up to holidays because companies sell a false reality of love. We're led to believe that flowers, chocolates, jewelry, and other tangible goods are what love is all about. While those things are delightful, real love has nothing to do with any of them.

In so many ways, love is a noun. It's something you feel, experience, give and receive. It's an intangible magic that takes many forms.

However, there is no question that love is also a verb. Action. What you do.

And this photo is a perfect example of what love looks like in action.

Since my mom was discharged from the hospital last week, C has been handling all of her intravenous meds with her and this is what that looks like. It's not glamorous and no one is wearing cute matching outfits or posing in a beautiful setting. But it's real life. This is our current reality.

To him, it's no big deal. It needs to be done and he's working from home, so he has taken the reins.

To me, it is a huge deal. Indescribably huge. I don't know what I did to ever deserve this human, but watching him take care of my mom is amazing.

It would be so easy to overlook how monumental this actually is, because it's nothing out of the ordinary for him. But I'm glad this moment stopped me in my tracks, and all I can say is that I am beyond grateful to be married to someone who quietly, and without fanfare, demonstrates every single day what real love is!

Happy Tails to you!

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