Monday, October 17, 2022

Quick Update

Posting info here seems to be the best way to keep everyone informed about what's going on...some people are only on Facebook, others are only on Instagram, and yet others aren't on either site and have been getting updates via text or email.

As you might imagine, keeping people in the loop has been a huge task...there have been many times over the past few weeks when I just didn't have it in me to answer questions or give updates. Then the messages piled up and I felt guilty and overwhelmed as a result. I promise I was doing my best and I truly appreciate every kind word that has been sent our way. Sharing my blog posts, however, has been easy, and I try to put as much detail in them as I can so that family and friends know what's happening.

Since I last posted on Friday night, things have been going pretty well. My mom reached a few "milestones," including sitting up in a chair and going for a short walk down the hall! The best thing for us was that she was moved from the Trauma ICU to a regular room on the surgical floor around 1:00 pm on Saturday (obviously another huge milestone), which made visiting her easier because there are fewer restrictions. All things considered, we are thrilled with her progress!

She is, understandably, in a lot of pain, but that is slowly getting better every day. She is now allowed to eat soft foods and drink whatever she likes, and we are hoping by tomorrow night, they'll have stopped the IV nutrition, as that is obviously another necessary step toward discharge.

Today is the sixteenth day that my mom and I have been at the hospital together for one reason or another. It's been a very exhausting month and I haven't gotten nearly enough sleep. I'm pretty sure I was running purely on adrenaline last week.

But my mom is feeling a little better each day; she's eating real food and sleeping more peacefully and for longer stretches at a time. We are so proud of her! We'll see what the week brings and we'll keep our fingers crossed that things continue to go well!

I love her so much

just some of the equipment my mom
was attached to in the ICU on Friday

sitting up in a chair on Saturday

taking her first walk on Saturday

feeling better on Sunday

Happy Tails to you!

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