Monday, July 22, 2024

The Land Down Under: Day 16

"Happiness is amazing.
It's so amazing, it doesn't matter if it's yours or not."
~ Anne, After Life ~

What a magical day! When we were planning our trip to Australia, I had one must-do (the Little Penguins) and it was everything I'd hoped it would be. C's one must-do was to snorkel at the Great Barrier Reef and we did that today! We went on a tour that took us to two different snorkeling spots and we spent about two hours at each stop. We checked in for the tour at 7:15 am, the boat left around 8:10 am, and we got back at 4:30 pm - overall, it was such a spectacular day! The staff was great and the experience had left us with memories that will last a lifetime!

I loved being able to watch C have a dream come true. I'm not exaggerating when I say I was overcome with joy on his behalf. I like snorkeling, but I've only done it from beaches, so this was my first time snorkeling in open water. I was very nervous beforehand, and I had to really talk myself into going into the water today. I did, and I'm super proud of myself, but I was only out there for about 30 minutes at the first stop. C, on the other hand, was out there pretty much the entire time at both snorkeling locations, and he was seriously living his best life!

The quote above is from one of my very favorite shows, After Life, and the words really resonated with me today! While snorkeling out in the ocean is perhaps not my idea of a great time, seeing C so happy absolutely is!

getting up early for the tour
allowed us to see this beautiful sunrise!

our boat

C was happy to be in the open water;
I was happy to be back on the boat

I took SO many pics of the water throughout the day!

not going in the water at the second stop
allowed me to take lots of pics of C!

I could not stop smiling!

Happy Tails to you!

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