Friday, July 12, 2024

The Land Down Under: Day 6

There's not much to report about today, as it was a travel day for us! We took an uber from our hotel, which was the Hyatt Regency in Sydney, to the airport, dropped off our bags, went right through security, and were at our gate with plenty of time to spare after grabbing some breakfast. The Sydney airport is super easy to navigate and we were very pleasantly surprised at how smoothly everything ran - for a major city, the airport almost has a small town airport vibe to it.

It was my first time flying on Qantas, but C had flown with them when he came to Australia in 2001. He wasn't particularly impressed with them back then, and I'm very much in agreement with him based on today's experience. The boarding process was complete lunacy; the "groups" make no sense, since it seemed like 80% of the plane was all summoned at the same time when our group number was called. The flight itself was fine, although it seemed like we got one of the older planes with the smaller overhead bins. As we were all waiting to board, they made some mildly threatening announcements about checking luggage with them at the desk because if there wasn't enough room in the overhead bins, bags would be sent on a different plane later in the day. In reality, there was a ton of available space in the overhead bins once everyone had boarded, so they caused some passenger unease for absolutely no reason.

The flight from Sydney to Melbourne was only about 65 minutes long, which was great, but the Melbourne airport is definitely not as nice as the Sydney airport. The baggage handling was also much less efficient and everyone on our flight had to wait quite a while for the luggage to make its way to the baggage claim carousel. Nonetheless, we finally got our bags and took an uber to our hotel. After resting for a while, we found a local burger place that had really great veggie burgers and then spent our evening doing laundry. This is obviously a lengthy trip, so finding a laundromat not too far from our hotel was very convenient!

We have a couple of fun things planned in Melbourne that I've really been looking forward to, so I am excited to finally be here!

our hotel room in Melbourne is great!

Friday night fun at the laundromat

I loved the name!

there's a clothesline hung up of all the
single socks looking for their match

we chose wisely, because the
laundromat had this stuffed Husky
sitting up on a shelf...
although it made us miss Avalanche
more than we already did!

Happy Tails to you!

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