Saturday, June 26, 2021

50 States in 2021: 13

Today was a wonderful day! My mom and I got back to her house from the airport around midnight, and as I wrote in yesterday's post, I decided to spend the night there because I was too tired to drive home. There was a second reason for that decision, which was that we had plans for today! Had I driven home last night, I wouldn't have arrived before about 1:30 am, and then would have had to be up and ready to leave before 5:30 am, so staying at my mom's allowed me to get a couple extra hours of sleep!

the first time seeing this
beautiful face in more than a week!

C and Ginny got to my mom's at 6:45 this morning to pick up my mom and me, and then we drove over to B1's house, which is literally one minute from my mom's, and we picked up B1 and my dad, who is visiting from PA for the weekend.

The five humans and one dog drove up to NY to visit family for the day! You'll notice that I'm only counting NJ in this post, and that's because I was all the way in the back of the car with Ginny, and I had fallen asleep, as had my mom and B1, so C did not stop for a photo of the "Welcome to NY" sign. We'll be back in NY in September, so I will take the pic and count NY on our 2021 state list then!

My parents have been divorced for almost 20 years, but obviously there are always many family events and everyone gets along, so it was nice to spend the morning with both of them!

The purpose of the trip was to visit my YaYa after a very long stretch of not being able to see him due to the pandemic. He is 91 and lives in NJ, but we actually all met up at my aunt and uncle's house in Tuxedo Park, NY for the day. B2 and S2 also came, along with S2's parents who happened to be visiting them this weekend, so it was really like a mini family reunion, although we missed S1 and little my niece and nephew, who stayed home to avoid a very long and tiring day!

so happy to be in the car with these people

my aunt is an amazing cook!

Ginny was extremely interested
in the buffet

my loves



Ginny and I had a nap and
C took a pic bc I was holding her paw
(I was super tired from the long week!)

Family is everything and any day where I get to be with both of my brothers is my favorite kind of day!

I love them more than I can say!

Happy Tails to you!

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