Thursday, April 2, 2020

One Good Thing About This Quarantine

This is a quick Thankful Thursday post! I try to make a concerted effort to look for the positive when I find myself in a less-than-ideal situation, and I definitely think being quarantined at home is a less-than-ideal situation! One of the things that has made all of this somewhat tolerable is having my mom living with us.

So many people are separated from their loved ones during this time, and I am beyond grateful that she is here with us and we can do as much as we can to make sure she is safe. My maternal grandmother and paternal grandfather each live in senior residences, and they haven't been allowed any family visitors for a few weeks now. I worry about them being lonely and while I'm certainly happy technology can help us all stay in touch, it's not the same as a hug from a loved one.

As for my mom, if she were living on her own, I would be so scared – not that I'm not scared now, but I do feel more in control of the situation than I would be feeling if she didn't live with us. She is immuno-compromised and is on oxygen around the clock, so this virus is a very frightening threat for her because her lungs are already only functioning at about one-third of healthy lungs. Pulmonary fibrosis is a pretty terrible disease, but having her with us gives me a little peace of mind because we can keep an eye on her and help her so that she doesn't have to go out into the world right now.

I'm not saying it's easy…she typically goes to appointments or lunch with her friends and skillfully manages the oxygen because it's just part of her day-to-day reality, so being stuck in the house is no more fun for her than for anyone else who likes to go out and do things. Frankly, I think this whole quarantine been easier for C and me than it's been for my mom because we actually like to just hang out at home when things are normal!

I'm just really thankful that I don't have to wonder how she is doing because she is here with us. So I can hug her whenever I want. And I know not everyone is so fortunate.

Ginny is pretty happy she lives here, too.

Happy Tails to you!

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