Sunday, April 12, 2020

Quarantine: Week 4

Here we are at the end of the fourth week of quarantine and the end of spring break. It was a nice, quiet week, with the only zoom meetings involving friends and family, and one online session of office hours, so no complaints from me!

There was the usual amount of clinginess and hilarity from Ginny:

modeling a new pair of ears I bought

I was sitting at the kitchen island
and she wanted up, so I held her in one arm
and read my phone with the other and
she fell asleep like this!

I was working late one night and
this is how she was sleeping!

I love looking over at her while I work
to see what pose she's decided on!

watching for squirrels

"celebrating" National Unicorn Day

hanging out with my mom

she was *slightly* less annoyed by the
unicorn bandana than she was about the costume

any sunny spot is the equivalent of
"if you build it, he will come"

she likes to keep an eye on the nonexistent
goings-on in the neighborhood

while we worked outside, she sat in the car
with the windows down and watched us

she's over it

her ear is in the water while she is sleeping
and you can see just how much she cares about that

during a family zoom call, we put her and
my brother's dog Max on the screen;
if you follow me on instagram,
you know how much she loves him

We had some delicious surprises delivered/dropped off:

Georgetown Cupcakes from my Work Wife in California

cookies from a local bakery
courtesy of my awesome neighbor

homemade treats from my BFF/baker extraordinaire 

We dyed some eggs:

I've had this Dachshund egg for about 15 years -
one of my former fifth grade students made it for me
and now she is my colleague!
I love her so much!

We did a little work in the yard (not our favorite thing to do!) and made some discoveries:

My lilac bush is blooming!
My grandparents had one in their yard
and the scent always reminds me of my grandma!

There's a bird nest with two eggs
in one of our trees!

But the big news of the week? We painted our front door and adirondack chairs!

That might not seem particularly impressive to any handy or crafty people out there, but for us, this is huge!

We've lived in this house for almost 18 years and we've never done anything to our front door aside from adding a storm door several years ago. It's always been black and I've said every year, "We should paint the front door a fun color!" and then we never do because that is not something we'd normally enjoy spending our limited non-working time doing. However, all of this time at home was just what we needed to get it done!

I love the color yellow. The color of sunshine. The color of happiness.

That's what I wanted on the door.

Once the door color was decided, we had to figure out the color for the chairs, and we decided to paint them a bright red. Why red? Well, our house is white, with black shutters, and if we had a yellow door and red chairs, we'd have the four Mickey Mouse colors for a subtle nod to our love of all things Disney!

We spent yesterday and today sanding, priming, and painting, and we are thrilled with the results!



handle and lock removed

edges taped

first coat of primer


first coat of primer

I have never been more excited
about a paint color!

Here we go!

one coat finished

two coats finished

all done!

all done!




I LOVE IT!!!!!

Happy Tails to you!

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