Thursday, April 30, 2020

April Finally Turns to May

It's Thursday and I was trying to think of some big thing to write about that I'm thankful for. The weather was not great today, so I kind of felt trapped in the house, but when I looked out the window, it struck me how green everything was. Why does it seem so sudden to me that the trees have come to life? I look out that same window every day! The transformation from bare branches to lush leaves didn't happen overnight, so why hadn't I noticed it until today? Apparently in all of my staring out the window, I failed to appreciate the incremental changes taking place before my very eyes!

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm thankful to have made it through the month of April and I'm looking forward to a new month tomorrow. This whole month has been spent in quarantine! That is serious business and I'm not sure I won't be saying the same thing at the end of May...but the beautiful trees are evidence that spring is finally here and I'm hopeful that we've all got better days ahead of us!

April 1 seems so long ago! I decided to write a blog post each day, and I'm going to continue that into May, with a few tweaks to some of the daily themes:

Music Monday
Travel Tuesday
Wisdom Wednesday
Throwback Thursday
Furry Friday
Small Shop Saturday
Summary Sunday

I'm going to make a concerted effort to be more aware of my surroundings and be grateful for all of the beauty around me in everyday life!

Happy Tails to you!

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