Saturday, August 22, 2020

New Dog Bed!

We'd noticed over the past several months that Ginny would sometimes bunch up a blanket under her neck/chin or rest her head on the edge of a bed or her car seat. Given that the most recent disc issues were in her neck, we obviously want her to be as comfortable as possible. One thing we've done is replace all of her beds that are circular with rectangular ones so that she can stretch out and not have to curl up in a ball. She used to really love those circular beds, but she started awkwardly trying to lie lengthwise in them, so her head or her tail or both were often hanging over the edges.

she was using the side of the
crown to support her head/neck

she was stretched out in
such an awkward way

Not too long ago, I saw an ad on IG for a dog bed that had a bolster pillow and was pretty intrigued. I decided to order one for Ginny, so I selected the bed and the bolster in the fabric I wanted, added them to the cart, and began checking out. I noticed there was something called a "stuff sack" in the cart, but its price was $0.00, so I just figured it was a bonus/freebie.

Our order arrived the other day and the box was a lot smaller than I would have expected for a dog bed. Well, it turns out that I didn't order a dog bed; I ordered a dog bed cover. That stuff sack was the actual bed and it needed to be filled! It was recommended that we fill it with old blankets, t-shirts, toys, etc., but that seemed a bit strange to us, so we ordered ten pounds of memory foam filler from Amazon, hoping it was an adequate amount!

When the filler arrive today, I immediately thought it would not be anywhere near enough for the bed and the bolster, but once it was opened up, it expanded, and we followed the directions to break it apart and fluff it up as we put it into the stuff sack. The ten pounds actually proved to be the perfect amount to fill the bed and the bolster! Ginny was pretty curious about what we were doing, and when we put the filled stuff sack on the floor to even out the fill, she immediately climbed up without the cover on it. We took that as a good sign!

I can now safely say that it's a big hit with Ginny! As I type this, C and I are sitting on the couch watching hockey and although she would normally be sleeping on the couch between us, she is sleeping on her new bed instead!

bed cover, stuff sack,
empty bolster pillow

ten pounds of memory foam filler

five pounds of filler in the stuff sack

five pounds after it had expanded

memory foam filler inside the bolster pillow

the stuff sack with filler inside

very eager

bolster pillow completed

bed completed

all done

finally ready for Ginny

would definitely recommend this bed

happily NOT sitting on the couch with us

Happy Tails to you!

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