Sunday, August 23, 2020

Weirdo About Walks

Back on July 31, Ginny had her follow-up appointment at the neurologist, and we were directed to start taking Ginny for walks to strengthen some of her muscles, as she'd been on restricted activity for more than a month. She has never liked walks, even before her surgery in 2014; she tolerated them when we took our other dogs over the years, but even then, she sometimes just stayed home because she would refuse to walk and we'd end up carrying her. Yes, she can be very dramatic, so we'd admittedly gotten very lazy about taking her walks because it was just easier not to!

A perfect example of this is when I was babysitting my niece last year. I put my niece in her stroller and put Ginny's harness and leash on, with plans for a nice walk around the neighborhood. Ginny had other plans, and after struggling, tugging, pulling, and pleading, I finally gave up and just put her up on top of the stroller where she happily rode for almost an hour. You get the picture. She's historically been completely ridiculous about walks.

she was very happy to just ride
on top of the stroller

Despite her disdain for walks, we obviously wanted to follow the doctor's orders, so during the first two weeks of August, we took her for a walk every second or third day, to build up her stamina. Last Saturday, the 15th, we decided we would start taking her for a walk every single day. Today was the NINTH day in a row she went for a walk! That might not seem like a big deal for most dogs, but it is a HUGE deal for Ginny! We're so proud of her! She still doesn't like it, but she's getting used to the routine, and she seems slightly less terrified with each passing day! Progress!

August 15

August 16

August 17

August 18

August 19

August 20

August 21

August 22

August 23

Happy Tails to you!

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