Sunday, May 10, 2020

Quarantine: Week 8

I have a new "hobby" where I put birdseed and sunflower seeds out on the deck posts and then watch out the window for birds and squirrels. This is absolutely delightful and no matter how many little creatures I see, I still get excited every single time. I'm not sure if that's because I love animals or because I'm a little stir crazy, but the activity out on the deck keeps things interesting!

our rose bushes are blooming!

It was a pretty busy work week, with the end of the semester rapidly approaching, so the week seemed to fly by. I did a little baking, we enjoyed our weekly Steven Page concert, and we watched the most recent season of Better Call Saul. We also finally had new shutters installed after one blew off during a strong storm last year!

just a regular chocolate cake, but I used
a fun sandcastle bundt pan!

yep - more banana bread



The adorable nonsense of Ginny continued and on Saturday we took her for a walk in Washington, DC. It was a very chilly and windy day, so hardly anyone was there, which was fantastic!

she fell asleep with her face in her water bowl

this is how she ate breakfast one morning

Since it's Mother's Day, I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge how fortunate I am to have amazing women to celebrate - my mom, grandma, and second mom! I am so grateful for all of the love, support, and guidance they've given me over the course of my life! I also have endless love and admiration for my sister who is an incredible mom to my niece and nephew, and this also extends to all of my friends who are selfless and work tirelessly to make the world a better place for their children!

All of that being said, if I'm being vulnerable and honest, Mother's Day is a very difficult day for me. I'm reminded all day that I don't have children. And also that seven of my eight four-legged kids aren't here with us anymore. I'm not one to wallow in self-pity. I know how privileged I am and how wonderful my life is in so many ways. But Mother's Day is tough. I'm very fortunate that C and Ginny loved me extra hard today as I wrestled with the complicated emotions this day always conjures up.

I can't wait to read this book!

new Chucks!

Rainbow Connection ears!

Tomorrow will be better!

Happy Tails to you!

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